11/09/2024 alle 09:19 | Lombardia | 115 | 0 Offro lavoro

Tender Technical & Scientific Manager

Annuncio sponsorizzato da Proper Transearch

immagine annuncio

Our client is a global leader in innovative diagnostics systems solutions and services.

For its Italian Affiliate we are looking for the:


 Main responsibilities: 

Reporting to the Commercial Finance Operations Lead, he/she will be responsible for managing and overseeing the tender process of the affiliate for all technical & scientific aspects, supporting and contributing to the effectiveness of the commercial strategy.


In details: 

  • he/she will guarantee the performance of the tender process by ensuring the fairness of the technical documentation and the related on-time delivering as defined by the terms of contract and in accordance with the regulatory and legal requirements.
  • He/she will be responsible for the deep analysis of the tender technical documentation, by ensuring a continuous improvement through the adequate actions and generating insight for the commercial
  • He/she will work in close collaboration with Finance, Commercial, Marketing, Technical, Regulatory & Quality and Legal teams in analyzing tender technical requirements thus market dynamics, competitors’ behaviors, customer willingness to innovative solutions, focusing on emphasizing portfolio’s characteristics, generating insights for the commercial organization to achieve the short- and long-term market
  • He/she will lead and motivate his/her direct team promoting collaboration and developing an agile way of working.


Main requirements:


  • University degree in Scientific subjects (Biomedical Engineering, Clinical Engineering, Biotechnology).
  • Significant previous experience in a similar position, ideally in Diagnostics or Medical Devices industry.
  • Excellent scientific-technical background and good attitude to innovative technologies, acquired through cross-functional assignments and responsibilities (Application / Project Management / Sales).
  • Business acumen, result orientation and organizational skills.
  • Strong knowledge of the tender law and regulations.
  • Ability to understand business context and to apply judgment towards prioritization and decision making
  • A passion for change, simplification and process improvement, as well as the strong interpersonal skills, collaboration, and influencing skills and ability to build trusting and productive relationships
  • Fluent English


Place of work: Milano - Smart Working eligible


The search is open to male and female (L. 903/77). Interested applicants may send their resumes with the consent to the use of personal data (D.Lgs. 196/2003; GDPR 769/2016) to

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